Digital Storytelling Through Maps

Esri Story Maps is a web tool that enables you to combine the power of maps and narrative text to create engaging and inspiring stories to share with others. Besides maps, your stories can include places, locations, and geography. You can also embed a wide variety of multimedia materials to tell your stories. These include: videos, images, texts, shapes and many more.

Esri Story Maps provides several story map designs to use for your stories. Depending on the type of story you want to share, you may want to select a design that suits your communicative purpose. Designs come with different layouts. For instance, you can choose from:
 Story Map Tour: 
‘Present a set of photos or videos along with captions, linked to an interactive map. It's ideal for walking tours or any sequence of places you’d like users to follow in order.’

Story Map Journal:
Create an in-depth narrative organized into sections presented in a scrolling side panel. As users scroll through the sections in your Map Journal they see the content associated with each section, such as a map, 3D scene, image, video, etc.

Check out this page to view more story maps’ design options.

Courtesy of Edshelf.
First appeared here.


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